1. From the All Africa Leprosy and Rehabilitation Training Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This study is a review of 127 hands in 100 patients in whom one or two FDS tendons were used to correct claw-hand deformity and/or loss of opposition of the thumb. In lumbrical replacement the results were graded as excellent in 16 hands (21%) and good in 43 hands (57%). For opponensplasty the results were excellent in 26 hands (32%) and good in 42 hands (51%). Possible defects that can develop in the donor finger are: swan-neck deformity, flexion posture of the DIP joint, not as part of the swan-neck deformity, check-rein deformity or flexion contracture, and insufficient finger flexion. Of the 158 fingers swan-neck deformity was seen in 15%, DIP flexion in 29%, check-rein deformity in 26% and insufficient finger flexion in 18%. The latter occurred with another defect. In 48 fingers (30%) no defects were observed.
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38 articles.