1. Bulletin 15 of the international leonid watch: first global analysis of the 1999 Leonid storm;Arlt;JIMO,1999
2. Bulletin 18 of the international leonid watch: preliminary analysis of the 2002 leonid meteor shower;Arlt;JIMO,2002
3. Bulletin 19 of the international leonid watch: population index study of the 2002 leonid meteors;Arlt;JIMO,2003
4. Bulletin 14 of the international leonid watch: visual results and modeling of the 1998 leonids;Arlt;JIMO,1999
5. Beech, M., 2014. Electrophonic sound generation by the Chelyabinsk fireball Earth, Moon, and Planets, 113, 33–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11038-014-9443-9.