1. V.I. Zagrebaev, A.S. Denikin, A.V. Karpov, A.P. Alekseev, M.A. Naumenko, V.A. Rachkov, V.V. Samarin, V.V. Saiko, NRV web knowledge base on low-energy nuclear physics, 〈http://nrv.jinr.ru/〉.
2. V. Zagrebaev, A. Kozhin, JINR Report No. E10-99-151, 1999.
3. A.S. Denikin, V.I. Zagrebaev, A.V. Karpov, A.P. Alekseev, N.M. Jacobs, T.S. Maluleke, in: Proceedings of the 2nd South Africa - JINR Symposium: Models and Methods in Few- and Many-Body Systems, Dubna, Russia, 2010, p. 145.
4. A.V. Karpov, A.S. Denikin, A.P. Alekseev, V.V. Samarin, M.A. Naumenko, V.A. Rachkov, in: Proceedings of the Conference on Scientific Service in the Internet, Novorossiisk, Russia, 2015, p. 119 (in Russian).
5. NRV web knowledge base on low-energy nuclear physics