1. The Tracker Project—Technical Design Report, CERN/ LHCC 98-6, 15 April 1998 and Addendum to the CMS Tracker TDR by the CMS Collaboration, CERN/LHCC 2000-016, 21 February 2000.
2. Complete informations available at the URL: http://cern.ch/cms-opto.
3. Optical readout and control systems for the CMS tracker
4. S.A. Baird, et al., Design of the front-end driver card for CMS silicon microstrip tracker readout, Proceedings of the Sixth LEB Workshop, Krakow, 2000, pp. 444–448.
5. M.T. Brunetti, et al., Design and performances of a circuit for the analogue optical transmission in the CMS Inner Tracker, Proceedings of the Seventh LEB Workshop, Stockholm, 2001, pp. 165–168.