1. The thorium molten salt reactor: Moving on from the MSBR
2. A. Letourneau, I. Al Mahamid, C. Blandin, O. Bringer, S. Chabod, F. Chartier, H. Faust, G. Fioni, Y. Foucher, F. Marie, P. Mutti, C. Veyssière, Actinide fission and capture cross section measurements at ILL: the Mini-INCA project, in: Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Nuclear Fission and Fission-Product Spectroscopy, 11–14 May 2005, Cadarache, France.
3. Letourneau et al., The V4 channel: a direct access to very high neutron fluxes for transmutation studies, ILL Annual Report, 2002, p. 118.
4. Thermal neutron capture cross-section measurements of 243Am and 242Pu using the new mini-INCA - and -spectroscopy station
5. Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry. Their Properties and Use in Inorganic Chemistry;Marhol,1982