1. J. Wu, P. Wyckoff, D.K. Panda, PVFS over InfiniBand: Design and Performance Evaluation, ICPP03, October 6–9, 2003.
2. InfiniBand Trade Association, InfiniBand Architecture Specification, Release 1.0, October 24, 2000
3. J. Liu, J. Wu, S.P. Kini, P. Wyckoff, D.K. Panda, High Performance RDMA-Based MPI Implementation over InfiniBand: International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS '03), June 2003.
4. Rene Grabner, Frank Mietke, MPICH device for InfiniBand, Diploma Thesis, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany, August 2003.
5. TOP500 List of World's Fastest Supercomputers, 22nd ed., http://www.top500.org.