1. LHC accelerator R&D and upgrade scenarios
2. A. Seiden, Layout Options, ATLAS Tracker Upgrade Workshop, Liverpool, 6–8 December 2006, 〈http://www.liv.ac.uk/physics/AHLUTW/〉.
3. I. Dawson, Radiation predictions at the SLHC and irradiation facilities, ATLAS Tracker Upgrade Workshop, Liverpool, 6–8 December 2006, 〈http://www.liv.ac.uk/physics/AHLUTW/〉.
4. A. Affolder, P. Allport, G. Casse, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 612 (2010) 470.
5. CERN/RD50 collaboration, Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders, 〈http://rd50.web.cern.ch/rd50〉.