1. Analyses for a planar variably-polarizing undulator
2. Elliptically polarizing insertion devices at BESSY II
3. Soft-x-ray polarimeter with multilayer optics: complete analysis of the polarization state of light
4. M. Weiss, K. Sawhney, R. Follath, H.-Ch. Mertins, F. Schäfers, W. Frentrup, A. Gaupp, M. Scheer, J. Bahrdt, F. Senf, W. Gudat, in: P. Pianetta, J. Arthur, S. Brennan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI1999), Stanford, USA, AIP, New York, CP521, 2000, pp. 134–136.
5. The elliptically polarized undulator beamlines at BESSY II