1. T. Behnke, C. Damarell, J. Jaros, A. Miyamoto (Eds.), ILC Reference Design Report, Volume IV: Detectors, 2007. The report can be downloaded from 〈http://www.linearcollider.org/〉.
2. W. Innes, TRACKERR, A Program for Calculating Tracking Errors. The program can be downloaded from 〈http://www-project.slac.stanford.edu/lc/bdir/programs/trackerr/tracker.html〉.
3. The LiC detector toy program
4. Uncertainties in track momentum and direction, due to multiple scattering and measurement errors
5. W. Innes, Some formulae for estimating tracking errors, in: 1992 Proceedings of B Factories: The State of the Art in Accelerators, Detectors and Physics, SLAC-R-400, Stanford, 1992.