1. P. Friedman, R. Ball, J. Chapman, C. Ferretti, D. Levin, C. Weaverdyck, B. Zhou, Y. Benhammou, M.B. Moshe, E. Etzion, Plasma panel detectors as active pixel beam monitors, in: Proceedings of 2012 Beam Instrumentation Workshop (BIW), 2012, Newport News, VA.
2. P.S. Friedman, A new class of low cost, high performance radiation detectors, in: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005, pp. 2815–2822.
3. P.S. Friedman, Plasma panel sensors as scintillation detectors, in: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2006, pp. 1150–1159.
4. Development of a plasma panel muon detector
5. Characteristic of a PDP-based radiation detector in Xe-He mixture gas