1. Testing and operation of the 15UD Pelletron at NSC
2. Performance of first high temperature superconducting ECRIS
3. D. Kanjilal1, G. Rodrigues, P. Kumar, C.P. Safvan, U.K. Rao, A. Mandal, A. Roy, C. Bieth, S. Kantas, P. Sortais, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources: 16th International Workshop on ECR Ion Sources ECRIS’04, 15 March, 2005, vol. 749, pp. 19–22.
4. A. Mandal, G. Rodrigues, D. Kanjilal, Design of a large acceptance analysing magnet for PKDELIS ECR ion source, in: Proceedings of DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, Kolkata, March 2005, p. 349.