1. T.E. Mason, The spallation neutron source: powerful tool for materials research, MOAL004, invited talk in PAC 2001, Chicago, June 18–22, 2001; N. Holtkamp, SNS Collaboration, The SNS linac and storage ring: challenges and progress towards meeting them, invited paper in EPAC 2002, Paris, June 3–7, 2002.
2. NSNS Conceptual Design Report, NSNS-CDR-2, ORNL, May 1997.
3. Spallation Neutron Source Design Manual, ORNL, June 1998.
4. BNL AGS Booster Design Manual, BNL, 1995.
5. A.W. Chao, Physics of Collective Beam Instabilities in High Energy Accelerators, Wiley, NY, 1993(Chapter 2); H. Wiedemann, Particle Accelerator Physics II, Springer, NY, 1995 (Chapter 10).