1. K. Johnsen, The debuncher: a device for reducing the energy spread of a linac, CERN Report CERN-PS/KJ29, 1955.
2. G.W. Wheeler, Progress in proton linear accelerator, Proceedings of 1969 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington DC, 1969, p. 666.
3. C.E. Hill, et al., Present performance of the CERN proton linac, Proceedings of 1998 International Linear Accelerator Conference, Chicago, 1998, p. 427.
4. W. Myers, J. Abraham, Use of a debuncher to obtain variable energy form a linear accelerator beam, Proceedings of 1967 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington DC, 1967, p. 666.
5. S. Ohnuma, Do we need a debuncher in the 200MeV transport system?, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Internal Report, TM-319, 1971.