1. W.M. Sharp, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, J.J. Barnard, R.H. Cohen, M.A. Dorf, S.M. Lund, L.J. Perkins, M.R. Terry, B.G. Logan, F.M. Bieniosek, A. Faltens, E. Henestroza, J.-Y. Jung, J.W. Kwan, E.P. Lee, S.M. Lidia, P.A. Ni, L.L. Reginato, P.K. Roy, P.A. Seidl, J.H. Takakuwa, J.-L. Vay, W.L. Waldron, R.C. Davidson, E.P. Gilson, I.D. Kaganovich, H. Qin, E. Startsev, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, A.K. Koniges, Inertial fusion driven by intense heavy-ion beams, paper associated with invited tutorial presentation, in: Proceedings of 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference (New York, NY, 2011), pp. 1386–1393, and references therein, 〈http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/PAC2011/papers/weoas1.pdf〉.
2. The induction approach to heavy-ion inertial fusion: Accelerator and target considerations
3. An integrated systems model for heavy ion drivers
4. HYLIFE-II: A Molten-Salt Inertial Fusion Energy Power Plant Design — Final Report
5. Design of a distributed radiator target for inertial fusion driven from two sides with heavy ion beams