1. Fast Neutron Spectroscopy by Proton-Recoil Proportional Counting
2. P.W. Benjamin, C.D. Kemshall, A. Brickstock, The Analysis of Recoil Proton Spectra, AWRE Report no. 09/68, Aldermaston, Berks.
3. C.D. Kemshall, The Use of Spherical Proportional Counters for Neutron Spectrum Measurements, AWRE Report no. 031/73, AWRE Aldermaston, Berks.
4. J. Petr, Proportional neutron spectrometric hydrogen detectors produced in Czechoslovakia, National Seminar of in Core Reactor Dozimetry, UISJP Zbraslav (1988) (in Czech).
5. Fast neutron spectrum measurements in the MTR scandium and iron filtered beams