1. Radiation levels in SSC detectors
2. M.V. Diwan, et al., Radiation environment and shielding for a high luminosity collider detector, BNL-52492 Formal Report, SSCL-SR-1223.
3. A.I. Drozhdin, M. Huhtinen, N.V. Mokhov, Accelerator related background in the CMS detector at LHC, CERN/TIS-RP/96-08/PP.
4. Yu. Fisyak, Study of neutron and gamma backgrounds in ATLAS, CERN-ATL-CAL-94-039; S. Baranov, et al., Estimation of radiation background, impact on detectors, activation and shielding optimization in ATLAS, ATL-GEN-2005-001.
5. M. Huhtinen, Radiation environment simulations for the CMS detector, CERN CMS TN/95-198; Y. Fisyak, R. Breedon, Comments on the simulation of background for the CMS muon system, CMS TN/96-019.