1. Design of an Additional Extraction/Injection Area for the Fermilab Booster
2. M. Tanaka et al., The AGS accelerator complex with the new fast extraction system, PAC 1995, Dallas, vo1. 3, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1996, p. 1930.
3. P. Bryant, M. Regler, M. Schuster (Eds.), The AUSTRON feasibility study, Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Vienna, Austria, November 1994, The accelerator part was also published in, F. Bauman and 27 co-authors, The accelerator complex for the AUSTRON neutron spallation source and light-ion cancer therapy facility, CERN/PS 95-48 (DI).
4. Y.Y. Lee, private communications.
5. J. Wei et al., China Spallation Neutron Source Accelerator Design and R&D, EPAC 2006, Edinburgh, p. 366.