1. R.L. Ford, W.R. Nelson, The EGS code system: computer programs for the Monte Carlo simulation of electromagnetic cascade showers (version 3), Stanford Linear Accelerator Report SLAC-210, 1978.
2. W.R. Nelson, H. Hirayama, D.W.O. Rogers, The EGS4 code system, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center report SLAC-265, 1985.
3. For a recent development, extensively used at low energies, see I. Kawrakow, D.W.O. Rogers, The EGSnrc Code System: Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport, National Research Council of Canada, PIRS-701, November 2003.
4. International Conference on Monte Carlo Simulation in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, MC93;Aarnio,1994
5. Geant4—a simulation toolkit