1. Development of resistive plate counters
2. Progress in resistive plate counters
3. G. Alexander, et al., in: T. Behnke, S. Bertolucci, R.D. Heuer, R. Settles (Eds.), TESLA Technical Design Report. Part. IV: A Detector for TESLA, DESY-01-011, DESY-2001-011, DESY-01-011D, DESY-2001-011D, DESY-TESLA-2001-23, DESY-TESLA-FEL-2001-05, ECFA-2001-209
4. TESLA digital hadron calorimeter (requirements, status and plans for R&D)
5. A. Ghezzi, et al., arXiv:hep-ex/0506010, presented at the International Linear Collider Workshop 2005, Stanford, CA, 2005.