1. L. Andricek, DEPFET Collaboration, DEPFET Pixel Vertex Detector for the ILC, October 2007 〈http://hll.mpg.de/twiki/pub/DEPFET/WebHome/backup-master.pdf〉.
2. Spatial resolution of silicon microstrip detectors
3. Z. Drásal, Simulation of charge collection in semiconductor microstrip detectors, Diploma Thesis, Charles University, Prague 2006, available at: 〈http://www.ucjf.troja.mff.cuni.cz/diploma_theses/drasal_dipl.pdf〉.
4. A DEPFET Based Beam Telescope With Submicron Precision Capability
5. Z. Doležal, P. Kvasnička, P. Kodyš et al., DEPFET beam test alignment and resolution analysis, EUDET Memo 2008-10 〈http://www.eudet.org/e26/e28/e615/e757/eudet-memo-2008-10.pdf〉.