1. M. Kuhn, G. Arduini, V. Kain, A. Langner, Y. Papaphilippou, M. Schaumann, R. Tomas, Origins of transverse emittance blow-up during the LHC energy ramp, In: Proceedings of the IPAC 2014.
2. M. Kuhn, G. Arduini, V. Kain, A. Langner, Y. Papaphilippou, M. Schaumann, R. Tomas, Emittance growth during the LHC ramp: the true story, Presented at Emittance Working Group, CERN, 〈http://indico.cern.ch/event/300042/contribution/1/material/slides/1.pdf〉, 2014.
3. See Optics reconstruction from AC dipole measurements in the energy ramp 〈http://rtomas.web.cern.ch/rtomas/lhcoptics/〉.
4. G. Robert-Demolaize, et al. RHIC performance for FY2014 heavy ion run, in: Proceedings of the IPAC 2015.
5. H. Hahn, RHIC design manual, October 2000.