Titarenko Yu. E.,Batyaev V.F.,Pavlov K.V.,Titarenko A. Yu.,Zhivun V.M.,Chauzova M.V.,Balyuk S.A.,Bebenin P.V.,Ignatyuk A.V.,Mashnik S.G.,Leray S.,Boudard A.,David J.C.,Mancusi D.,Cugnon J.,Yariv Y.,Nishihara K.,Matsuda N.,Kumawat H.,Stankovskiy A. Yu.
International Science Technical Center
International Atomic Energy Agency
U.S. Department of Energy
Instrumentation,Nuclear and High Energy Physics
Reference19 articles.
1. Galactic cosmic ray flux decline and periodicities in the interplanetary space during the last 3 centuries revealed by44Ti in meteorites
2. Measurement of44Ti(44Sc) in meteorites
3. Fabrication of a 1200 kg ingot of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy for the DIII–D radiative divertor program
4. Overview of recent Russian materials and technologies R&D activities related to ITER and DEMO constructions
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