1. M. Craddock, The rebirth of the FFAG, CERN Courrier (2004) 44.
2. F. Méot, Fixed field alternating gradient synchrotrons, Invited talks, CARE/HHH Workshop, CERN, 8–11 November 2004
3. F. Méot, Fixed field alternating gradient synchrotrons, ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, Bensheim, 18–22 October 2004.
4. KEK report, A feasibility study of a neutrino factory in Japan, February 2001.
5. T. Misu, Study of compact medical FFAG accelerators, FFAG04 Workshop, KEK, Tsukuba, http://hadron.kek.jp/FFAG/FFAG04_HP/index.html.