A high resolution electromagnetic calorimeter based on lead-tungstate crystals


Aleksandrov D.V.,Burachas S.F.,Ippolitov M.S.,Lebedev V.A.,Manko V.I.,Nikulin S.A.,Nyanin A.S.,Sibiriak I.G.,Tsvetkov A.A.,Vasiliev A.A.,Vinogradov A.A.,Bogolyubsky M.Yu.,Kharlov Yu.V.,Konstantinov S.A.,Petrov V.S.,Polishchuk B.V.,Sadovsky S.A.,Senko V.A.,Soloviev A.S.,Victorov V.A.,Vodopianov A.S.,Nomokonov P.V.,Basmanov V.F.,Budnikov D.V.,Ilkaev R.I.,Kuryakin A.V.,Nazarenko S.T.,Punin V.T.,Vinogradov Yu.I.,Delagrange H.,Schutz Y.,Balbestre G.C.,Diaz J.,Klovning A.,Mæland O.,Odland O.H.,Pommersche B.,Röhrich D.,Yin Z.,Skaali B.,Wormald D.,Mares J.A.,Polak K.,Deloff A.,Dobrowolski T.,Karpio K.,Kozlowski M.,Redlich K.,Siemiarczuk T.,Stefanek G.,Tykarski L.,Wilk G.,Sugitate T.,Shigaki K.,Kohara R.


Elsevier BV


Instrumentation,Nuclear and High Energy Physics

Reference5 articles.

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3. ALICE Collaboration, Technical Design Report of the Photon Spectrometer (PHOS), CERN/LHCC 99-4, March 1999, URL: https://edms.cern.ch/document/398934/1.

4. ALICE Technical Design Report of the Trigger, Data Acquisition, High-Level Trigger and Control System, CERN-LHCC-2003-062, URL: https://edms.cern.ch/document/456354/1.








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