1. P. Gy, Echantillonnage des Matieres Premieres (Sampling of Raw Materials), Cours Post-Universitaire de Genie Chimique, Session 1955–56, Presses Documentaires, Paris, among others.
2. R. Mosello, M. Bianchi, H. Geiss, A. Marchetto, G. Serrini, G. Serrini Lanza, G.A. Tartari, H. Muntau, AQUACON-MedBas Subproject No 5, Freshwater analysis, Intercomparison 1/97, Report EUR 18075 EN, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, 1998, 66 pp.
3. R. Mosello, B.M. Wathne, S. van den Berg, MOLAR – Surface water – sampling and analysis protocol – Measuring and modelling the dynamic response of remote mountain lakes ecosystems to environmental change (www.mountain-lakes.org/emerge/methods/SURF.pdf).
4. R. Mosello, B.M. Wathne, P.G. Appelby, S. van den Berg, EMERGE – 03 – Surface water sampling and Analysis Protocol – European Mountain lake Ecosystems: Regional diaGnostics & socio-economic Evaluation (www.mountain-lakes.org/emerge/methods/03.pdf).
5. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), NF EN ISO 5667-1: Water quality - Sampling - Part 1: guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques, ISO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2006.