1. Avery, M. L., Springer, P. F. and Dailey, N. S. (1980) Avian Mortality at Man-made Structures: An Annotated Bibliography (revised). US Fish and Wildlife Services, Biological Services Program, National Power Plant Team, FWS/OBS-80/54, 152 pp
2. Baird, P. H. (1990) Concentrations of seabirds at oil-drilling rigs. Condor 92, 768–771
3. Birkhead, T. R., Lloyd, C. and Corkhill, P. (1973) Oiled seabird successfully cleaning their plumage. British Birds 66, 535–537
4. Bourne, W. R. P. (1979) Birds and gas flares. Marine Pollution Bulletin 10, 124–125
5. Brown, R. B. G. (1985) Revised Atlas of Eastern Canadian Seabirds. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa