1. Asset Management: Advancing the State of the Art Into the 21st Century Through Public-Private Dialogue, 1996. Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, p. 3
2. Asset Management: Preserving a $1 Trillion Investment, 2000. Focus. Federal Highway Administration. May 2000, pp. 1–2
3. Asset Management Primer, 1999. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Asset Management, 1999, pp. 7–9
4. Campuses Are Poised to Spend, November 9, 2000. News Observer. Also press release from Vanderweil Facility Advisors' (VFA) concerning funding for Clark County, Nevada K-12 Facilities
5. Clash, T.W., John, B.D., 2000. New York State's Approach to Asset Management: A Case Study. Transportation Research Record 1729, pp. 35–41