1. California Energy Commission, Commission Findings: Timetable for the Phaseout of MTBE from California’s Gasoline Supply, Docket No. 99-GEO- 1, 1999.
2. California Energy Commission, Quarterly Report Concerning MTBE Use in California Gasoline, 1 October–31 December 2000, 2001.
3. D. Sloan, R. Birkhoff, M. Gilbert, M. Nurminen, A. Pyhälahti, Isooctane Production from C4’s as an Alternative to MTBE, NPRA Paper AM-00-34, NPRA, Washington, DC, 2000.
4. Vapor liquid equilibrium for the binary systems 2-methylpentane + 2-butanol at 329.2 K and n-hexane + 2-butanol at 329.2 and 363.2 K with a static apparatus
5. An improved correlation for densities of compressed liquids and liquid mixtures