1. M.A. Alvin, R.E. Tressler, T.E. Lippert, E.S. Diaz, E.E. Smeltzer, Durability of ceramic filters, Proceedings of the DOE Coal-Fired Power Systems '94—Advances in IGCC and PFBC Review Meeting, Morgantown, WV, June 21–23, 1994.
2. M.A. Alvin, Advanced ceramic materials for use in high temperature particulate removal systems, Proceedings of the 1995 AIChE Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, November 17, 1995.
3. M.A. Alvin, Performance and stability of advanced monolithic and fiber reinforced composite candle filters during PCFBC operation, Proceedings of the 13th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, September 3–7, 1996.
4. M.A. Alvin, Advanced coal-fired and biomass ash and char formations, Proceedings of the 12th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, September 11–15, 1995.
5. M.A. Alvin, T.E. Lippert, E.S. Diaz, E.E. Smeltzer, Filter component assessment, Proceedings of the DOE Advanced Coal-Fired Power Systems '96 Review Meeting, Morgantown, WV, July 16–18, 1996.