1. R. Sedlack, Phosporus and Nitrogen Removal from Municipal Wastewater: Principles and Pratice, second ed., Lewis Publisher, New York, 1991.
2. Metcalf and Eddy, revised by G. Tchobanoglous, F.L. Burton, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, Reuse, third ed., McGraw-Hill International Editions, USA, 1991.
3. G. Kelly, Environmental Engineering, Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company, Maidenhead, England, 1996.
4. Equilibrium Studies of Sodium-Ammonium, Potassium-Ammonium, and Calcium-Ammonium Exchanges on Clinoptilolite Zeolite
5. Water Treatment Handbook, fifth ed., Degremont, 1979, pp. 1186.