1. H. Geissel, P. Armbruster, K.-H. Behr, A. Brünle, K. Burkhard, M. Chen, H. Folger, B. Franczak, H. Keller, O. Klepper, B. Langenbeck, F. Nickel, E. Pfeng, M. Pfützner, E. Roeckl, K/ Rykaczewski, I. Schall, D. Schardt, C. Scheidenberger, K.-H. Schmidt, A. Schröter, T. Schwab, K. Sümmerer, M. Weber, G. Münzenberg, T. Brohm, H.-G. Clerc, M. Fauerbach, J.-J. Gaimard, A. Grewe, E. Hanelt, B. Knödler, M. Steiner, B. Voss, J. Weckenmann, C. Ziegler, A. Magel, H. Wollnik, J.P. Dufour, Y. Fujita, D.J. Vieira and B. Sherrill, accepted for publication in Nucl. Instr. Meth. A
2. Projectile fragments isotopic separation: Application to the lise spectrometer at GANIL
3. The momentum-loss achromat — A new method for the isotopical separation of relativistic heavy ions
4. Ions penetrating through ion-optical systems and matter — non-liouvillian phase-space modelling