1. Explosive hydrogen burning
2. A new estimate of the Ne-19(p, gamma) Na-20 and O-15(alpha, gamma) Ne-19 reaction rates at stellar energies
3. Microscopic study of α+15N cluster structure in 19F
4. P.V. Magnus, M.S. Smith, P.D. Parker, A.W. Wright, R.E. Azuma, C. Campbell, J.D. King and J. Vise, preprint: Measurement of the 15N((α, γ)19F Resonances at ECM = 536 keV and 542 keV.
5. M. Wiescher, V. Harms, J. Görres, F.-K. Thielemann and L.J. Rybarcyk, preprint: Alpha-burning of 14O.