1. GigaOM, The apple app store economy. URL: http://gigaom.com/2010/01/12/the-apple-app-store-economy/ (February 2010).
2. Apple, Apple’s app store downloads top three billion. URL: http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/01/05appstore.html (February 2010).
3. R. Wauters, Google: Android market now serving 30,000 apps. URL: http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/03/16/google-android-market-now-serving-30000-apps (March 2010).
4. MobileBits.net, Mobile app stores to register purchases worth of $6.2 billion in 2010. URL: http://www.mobilebits.net/items/view/4599 (February 2010).
5. Qualcomm, Qualcomm products and services—the Snapdragon platform. URL: http://www.qualcomm.com/products_services/chipsets/snapdragon.html (February 2010).