1. ESR and ENDOR of primary reactants in photosynthesis
2. W. Lubitz, F. Lendzian, M. Plato, K. Möbius and E.Tränkle, in: Antennas and reaction centers of photo-synthetic bacteria; structure, interaction and dynamics, eds. M.E. Michel-Beyerle, H. Scheer and S. Fischer, Springer Series in Chemical Physics (Springer, Berlin) to be published.
3. M. Plato, E. Tränkle, W. Lubitz, F. Lendzian and K. Möbius, to be published.
4. .pi.-Spin distribution in the radical anions of [2.2]paracyclophane and some of its symmetric benzo derivatives
5. D. Schweitzer, private communication.