1. Consumer Healthcare Products Association. Statistics on OTC use. Available at: http://www.chpa.org/MarketStats.aspx. Accessed October 10, 2016.
2. White paper on the benefits of OTC medicines in the United States;Pharm Today,2010
3. Risk of unintentional overdose with non-prescription acetaminophen products;Wolf;J Gen Intern Med,2012
4. Uses and attitudes about taking over-the-counter medicines: findings of a 2003 national opinion survey conducted for the National Council on Patient Information and Education. Available at: http://www.bemedwise.org/survey/summary_survey_findings.pdf. Accessed March 11, 2016.
5. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101-508, § 104 Stat. 1388, 1990.