1. MfE. State of the Environment Report, Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, New Zealand, October 1997.
2. Bicknell, K. B., Ball, R. J., Cullen, R., and Bigsby, H. Estimating New Zealand's ecological footprint, NZ Agric. Econ. Soc. Blenheim conf, July 1996.
3. Wackernagel, M. et al. Ecological footprints of nations: how much nature to they use?—how much nature do they have?, The Earth Council, San Jose, Costa Rica, March 1997.
4. Hardin, G. Nature and Man's Fate, Cape, London, 1960. (see particularly Chap 13, In Praise of Waste).
5. Flannery, T. Future Eaters: an Ecological History of the Australian Lands and People, Reed, Chatswood, NSW, 1995.