1. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Environmental Noise Directive in accordance with Article 11 of the Directive 2002/49/EC, COM(2011) 321 final, Brussels,2011
2. Bekanntmachungder Anleitung zur Datenerfassung über den Flugbetrieb (AzD) und der Anleitung zur Berechnung von Lärmschutzbereichen (AzB),2008
3. DG JRC report on “Assessment of the equivalence of national noise mapping methods against the interim methods” prepared in the context of the NOISE-I administrative arrangement between DG ENV and DG JRC (contract no 07‐0303/2007/477794/MAR/C3),2008
4. IMAGINE WP1, “Specifications for GIS-NOISE databases”, Deliverable D4 of the IMAGINE project.,2007
5. ISO/CD 17534-1 “Software for the calculation outdoors — quality requirements and quality assurance”,2013