1. MN Consent Judgment. Second Judicial District. Court File No C1-94-8565. May 18, 1998.
2. Minnesota Tobacco Document Depository. Hennepin Business Center, 1021 10th Avenue SE, Suite 1021, Minneapolis, MN 55414. Phone: +1 612 378 5707. E-mail: Mndep@aol.com.
3. Guildford Depository. British American Tobacco. Globe House 4, Temple Place London, UK WC2R 2PG, Fax: +44 20 7845 2783, Requests for admission to the depository should be faxed to the BAT Legal Department, Attention: Tom Astle.
4. Personal communication from Roberta Walburn, Minnesota Plaintiffs' Counsel to Richard Hurt, Mayo Clinic. February, 2004.