1. Curling, on the Testis; Sir A. Cooper, on Hernia ; Maunder, London Hospital Reports, vol. i. ; Annandale. Brit. Med. Jour., vol. i. 1868; Macilwain, Surgical Observations; Peletan, Clinique Chirurgicale, vol iii. ; Broca, Bulletin de la SociétéAnatomique ; Cloquet, Mémoire sur les Hernies ; THE LANCET, Dec. 14th, 1889 ; Dec. 5th, 1885 ; Transactions of the Pathological Society, vol. xxxvii. ; Butchinson, vol. xxiv ; Gay. vol. xvii. ; Lane ; Gluge, Pathologische Lieferungen, viii. ; Weinher, Virchow's Archiv, 1869.