1. Australian Nurses Special Interest Group home page http://www.littletish.com.au/anisig/anisighome.htm [accessed 21 May 2001]
2. Central Queensland University Bachelor of Nursing Informatics information at http://iniocom.cqu.edu.au/Prospective_Students/N_and_H/B_NInformatics/ [accessed 31 May 2001]
3. HealthConnect [online] Available http://www.health.gov.au/healthonlme/connect.ht in [accessed 8 May 2001]
4. HealthInsite[online] Available http://www.healthinsitc.gov.an [accessed 8 May 2001]
5. Hovenga E 2000 [online] Information technology and nursing: a proposal to the national nursing organisations for greater nursing involvement. Available http://www.littlefish.com.au/anisg/information-technologyandnursinghtm [accessed 8 May 2001]