1. The SNO and Super Kamiokande detectors are examples of current very large water Cerenkov detectors which use large area photomultiplier tubes. The long baseline neutrino experiment detector under consideration for the Homestake mine in South Dakota is also likely to need large area photomultipliers. See also Winn, D.R. Large photocathode detector for large calorimetry, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.1989; 36: 128-131.
2. See http://psec.uchicago.edu/for details on the LAPPD Collaboration.
3. Because of the thin, flat geometry of the large area photodetector, the cathode cannot be grown inside the assembled detector like most PMT photocathodes but has to separately produced, transported to the detector assembly, and sealed to it.
4. Oswald H Siegmund, Jason B McPhate, Anton S Tremsin, Sharon R Jelinsky, Richard Hemphill, Henry J Frisch, Jeffrey Elam, Anil Mane, “Atomic layer deposited borosilicate glass microchannel plates for large area event counting detectors”, NIM-A proceedings for NDIP 2011,
5. C. Fontaine, at Light07; Tegernsee Germany; Sept. 2007.