1. CMS Collaboration, http://cms.web.cern.ch/cms/.
2. G. Barbagli, F. Palla and G. Parrini, “Track Momentum Discrimination Using Cluster Width in Silicon Strip Sensors for SLHC”, proceeding of the1st Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP07, September 3-7 2007, Prague, Czech Republic).
3. G. Parrini et al., “Guessing the geometric features of a particle trajectory in a magnetic field by measuring one point and its tangent”, proceeding of the 1st Workshop on Intelligent Trackers (WIT2010, February 3-5 2010, Berkeley CA, USA).
4. F. Palla et al., “Concepts for a Tracker Trigger based on a multi-layer layout and on-detector data reduction using a cluster size approach”, proceeding of the 1st Workshop on Intelligent Trackers (WIT2010, February 3-5 2010, Berkeley CA, USA).
5. CMS Collaboration, “Measurement of CMS Luminosity”, CMS Physics Analysis Summary CMS-PAS-EWK-10-004, (2010). ar Xiv:1108.3773.