1. Royal Decree 952/1997 of June 20th, Basic Law of Toxic and Hazardous Wastes, 1997 (in Spanish).
2. Law 22/2011, of July 28th, of residues and contaminated soils, 2011 (in Spanish).
3. Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directive, 2008.
4. Royal Decree 1481/2001 of December 27th, By which the removal of wastes by their disposal in landfills is regulated, 2001 (in Spanish).
5. Royal Decree RD 1439/2010 of November 18th, By which Regulation for Health Protection against Ionising Radiations, approved by Royal Decree 783/2001 of July 6th, is modified, 2010 (in Spanish).