1. From the Biochemical and Experimental Division, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Germany and the Journal of Hand Surgery Editorial Office, Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK
To assure readers that study results are scientifically valid, the methods of a clinical trial should be described adequately. Since randomization, blinding, and intention-to-treat-analysis are major bias-reducing techniques, these aspects should be reported most accurately. The Consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) are recommendations to improve the reporting of trials. CONSORT requires that trial authors describe basic methodological aspects that readers need to appraise the strengths of report ed clinical trials. This article presents the CONSORT recommendations and explains some of their main aspects. From now on, the Journal of Hand Surgery will use CONSORT to assist authors of randomized controlled trials in improving the description of their studies. We believe that this decision increases the scientific validity of study reports and helps readers when critically appraising articles.
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15 articles.