1. Baker, D. 1987. Regulation of high water levels of Lake Superior. Submission made to the Subcommittee of Water Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, 17 March 1987.
2. Baker, D., and Rasid, H. 1989. Coping with erosion and high water on Minnesota Point in Duluth. University of Minnesota: Minnesota Sea Grant Superior Advisory Note No. 27.
3. Carson, J. H. 1987. Regulation of high water levels of Lake Superior. Submission made to the Subcommittee of Water Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, 17 March 1987.
4. Great Lakes Shoreline Damage Survey: Saint Louis County, Minnesota,1976
5. Davidson-Arnott, R. G. D. 1988. An overview of coastal processes in the Great Lakes. In Impact of Great Lakes Water Levels on Shore Processes: Workshop Summary, eds. R.G.D. Davidson-Arnott and M.N. Law, Appendix C. Workshop organized by Functional Group 2 of the International Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Level Study.