1. T.J. Carlson, A solution to Reinhardt's conjecture: EA+SMT is consistent, handwritten manuscript dated 12/20/83, 2 pp.
2. T.J. Carlson, Epistemic arithmetic and a conjecture of Reinhardt, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 5 (1994) p. 200.
3. T.J. Carlson, Ordinal arithmetic and Σ1 elementarity, preprint.
4. T.J. Carlson, The independence of the strong mechanistic thesis and the epistemic Church's thesis, in preparation.
5. R.C. Flagg, Church's thesis is consistent with epistemic arithmetic, in: S. Shapiro (Ed.), Intensional Mathematics (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988), pp. 121–172.