1. Act regulating health suitability of foodstuffs and materials coming into contact with foodstuffs. Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenia No. 52/2000, 42/2002.
2. Consumer Protection Act. Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenia No. 20/1998, 25/1998.
3. Rulesa on the general labelling of pre-packaged foodstuffs. Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenia No. 30/1999.
4. Rulesb on the minimum technical and other requirements for business premises intended for negotiating contracts, and conditions for negotiating contracts away from selling premises. Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenia No. 28/1993, 34/1993, 57/1993.
5. Rulesc on the veterinary-sanitary conditions for the production of foodstuffs of animal origin and their placing on the market for public consumption. Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenia No. 91/1999.