1. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Statistics report of country economy and society development in 2008. See also: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20090226_402540710.htm [accessed 03.03.10].
2. China Energy Industry Net. The largest countries list of carbon dioxide emission in the world. See also: http://www.china-esi.com/Industrial/HTML/9096.html [accessed 3.03.10].
3. CCTV. A reporter asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied that China's carbon dioxide emissions into the number one country. See also: http://news.cctv.com/china/20070621/108885.shtml [accessed 05.08.09].
4. CCTV. Strongly promote the development of pollution reduction in transition. See also: http://hd.cctv.com/20090706/107332.shtml [accessed 05.08.09].
5. CCTV. The Great Divide of environmental protection: the loss due to pollution in China each year 10% of GDP. See also: http://finance.cctv.com/20070319/100794.shtml [accessed 05.08.09].