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3. Wiśniewski G, Michałowska-Knap K, Dziamski P, Oniszk-Popławska A, Regulski P. The vision of the development of wind energy in Poland by 2020, the Institute for Renewable Energy. The report commissioned by Polish Wind Energy Association. 〈http://www.pwea.pl/files/wizja_rozwoju_energetyki_wiatrowej__w_polsce_wraz_z_planem_dzialan_do_2020.pdf〉; 2009 [25.07.13, in Polish].
4. Conditions for taking up and pursuit business in the electricity generation, transmission or distribution and development plans implementation by power system operators including satisfaction of current and future electricity demand. The Report of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office. 〈http://www.ure.gov.pl/portal/pl/620/5347/Raport_z_dzialalnosci_gospodarczej_oraz_z_realizacji_planow_rozwoju_przez_ose__2.html〉; 2013 [25.07.13, in Polish].
5. Energy Regulatory Office (ERO), The volume of electricity produced from renewable sources – current data. 〈http://www.ure.gov.pl/portal/pl/610/5312/Wolumen_energii_elektrycznej_pochodzacej_ze_zrodel_odnawialnych__aktualne_dane.html〉; 2013 [25.07.13, in Polish].