1. M.A. Maleque1, A. Atiqah1, R.J. Talib and H. Zahurin “New Natural Fibre Reinforced Aluminium Composite For Automotive Brake Pad”.
2. Y.Q. Liu, S.H. Wei, J.Z. Fan, Z.L. Ma, T. Zuo “Mechanical Properties of a Low-thermal-expansion Aluminium/Silicon Composite Produced by Powder Metallurgy”.
3. H.M. Rootare, J.M. Powers and R. G. Craig “Wear of Composites by Abrasives of Varying Hardness”.
4. Y. Wang, W.M. Rainforth, H. Jones, M. Lieblich “Dry wear behaviour and its relation to microstructure of novel 6092 aluminium alloy–Ni3Al powder metallurgy composite”.
5. C.P. Samal, J.S. Parihar, D. Chaira “The effect of milling and sintering techniques on mechanical properties of Cu–graphite metal matrix composite prepared by powder metallurgy route”.